Offers the longest range and the highest capacity available in its class together with rich QoS capabilities.
Chino Roces Ave. Makati City, Philippines
Offers the longest range and the highest capacity available in its class together with rich QoS capabilities.
Unique air-interface ensures dependable link performance, even in adverse conditions such as near Line of Sight (nLOS) or congested spectrum.
Support co-location installation of multiple radios while ensuring link capacity and long distance performance using built-in GPS.
RADWIN’s radio planning tool provides highly predicateble link performance. In addition, quick antenna alignment and service commissioning is efficiently conducted through a single side of the link.
Provides dependable and robust 5GHz connectivity, ensuring a reliable connection in tough spectrum with long-term capacity stability.
Greater network capacity can be achieved using less spectrum, due to high frequency reuse, resulting in ultra spectrum efficiency. This is achieved through frequency reuse 2 and configurable sector width.
Lightweight and compact and features an integrated antenna, built-in GPS, and low power consumption.